Bladerite- Best Play To Earn Game

Bladerite- Best Play To Earn Game

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Bladerite is a free-to-play, cold weapon-focused battle royale game where players compete in a wasted land battle arena and battle for a considerable amount of rewards.

Solo – Players spawn into the arena alone and you just rely on your own tactics and skill to push you to the end and be the last player alive.

Duo – You will be paired up with another individual and will compete against other duos to be the last ones alive. When you lose all your health, you get knocked down for a chance to be revived by your teammate.

Loot Mode – Players can only play this mode solo and will be rewarded at the end of the match if can make it to the top ranks of the game. Vice versa, a punishment will be applied to the players ranked at the bottom of the match.

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