Rage Effect – Best Play To Earn Game

Rage Effect – Best Play To Earn Game

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Rage Effect is a community-driven PvP and PvE FPS based on the Solana blockchain that introduces a new gaming genre and a Play-and-Earn system. The genre is a cross between Shooter, Survival and Exploration, with a Counter Strike-like feel and dynamic gameplay by Guilds that encourages teamwork to help players survive and win rewards.

The words blockchain gaming and first-person shooter are rarely used simultaneously. These features have been merged into a free-to-play & play2earn game that allows users to earn, spend, and even bet with their $RGE tokens. NFTs can also be purchased, collected, and used by players to enhance their game experience. Gamers have the ability to personalize their characters, weapons, and loadouts, allowing them total control over their experience.

Rage Effect builds connections between Free-to-Play, Play-to-Earn, Game Play, NFT-Defi, and DAO. We have created a fast-paced combat battle game where players may choose among four maps, with none showing mercy. Players can discover their secrets, join forces with friends, devise plans, and emerge victorious. Create your own guild, invite their friends, and rise through the ranks together!

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